👟Net A Porter/Mr porter

How to create NAP/MRP accounts with custom information.

For the generator, you will need to solve captcha by hand with the harvester for the moment. When you start the module, you can go on http://localhost:8000 to start to solve captchas.

How to use the captcha harvester ?

You need to type the image number in the textbox. This is the first version of the harvester, we will make a better in the futur.

For exemple:

You will need to type:

Custom Information csv:

Country list:

  • AL - Albania

  • DZ - Algeria

  • AD - Andorra

  • AI - Anguilla

  • AG - Antigua and Barbuda

  • AR - Argentina

  • AM - Armenia

  • AW - Aruba

  • AU - Australia

  • AT - Austria

  • AZ - Azerbaijan

  • BS - Bahamas

  • BH - Bahrain

  • BD - Bangladesh

  • BB - Barbados

  • BY - Belarus

  • BE - Belgium

  • BZ - Belize

  • BM - Bermuda

  • BT - Bhutan

  • BO - Bolivia

  • BA - Bosnia and Herzegovina

  • BW - Botswana

  • BR - Brazil

  • BN - Brunei

  • BG - Bulgaria

  • KH - Cambodia

  • CA - Canada

  • IC - Canary Islands

  • CV - Cape Verde

  • KY - Cayman Islands

  • CL - Chile

  • CN - China

  • CO - Colombia

  • KM - Comoros

  • CK - Cook Islands

  • CR - Costa Rica

  • HR - Croatia

  • CY - Cyprus

  • CZ - Czech Republic

  • DK - Denmark

  • DM - Dominica

  • DO - Dominican Republic

  • EC - Ecuador

  • EG - Egypt

  • SV - El Salvador

  • EE - Estonia

  • FK - Falkland Islands

  • FO - Faroe Islands

  • FJ - Fiji

  • FI - Finland

  • FR - France

  • GF - French Guiana

  • PF - French Polynesia

  • GA - Gabon

  • GM - Gambia

  • GE - Georgia

  • DE - Germany

  • GH - Ghana

  • GI - Gibraltar

  • GR - Greece

  • GL - Greenland

  • GD - Grenada

  • GP - Guadeloupe

  • GU - Guam

  • GT - Guatemala

  • GG - Guernsey

  • GY - Guyana

  • HN - Honduras

  • HK - Hong Kong

  • HU - Hungary

  • IS - Iceland

  • IN - India

  • ID - Indonesia

  • IE - Ireland

  • IL - Israel

  • IT - Italy

  • JM - Jamaica

  • JP - Japan

  • JE - Jersey

  • JO - Jordan

  • KZ - Kazakhstan

  • KE - Kenya

  • KW - Kuwait

  • LA - Laos

  • LV - Latvia

  • LB - Lebanon

  • LS - Lesotho

  • LI - Liechtenstein

  • LT - Lithuania

  • LU - Luxembourg

  • MO - Macau SAR, China

  • MK - Macedonia

  • MG - Madagascar

  • MW - Malawi

  • MY - Malaysia

  • MV - Maldives

  • MT - Malta

  • MQ - Martinique

  • MU - Mauritius

  • MX - Mexico

  • MD - Moldova

  • MC - Monaco

  • MN - Mongolia

  • ME - Montenegro

  • MS - Montserrat

  • MA - Morocco

  • MZ - Mozambique

  • NA - Namibia

  • NP - Nepal

  • NL - Netherlands

  • AN - Netherlands Antilles

  • NC - New Caledonia

  • NZ - New Zealand

  • NI - Nicaragua

  • NO - Norway

  • OM - Oman

  • PA - Panama

  • PG - Papua New Guinea

  • PY - Paraguay

  • PE - Peru

  • PH - Philippines

  • PL - Poland

  • PT - Portugal

  • QA - Qatar

  • RO - Romania

  • RU - Russian Federation

  • BL - Saint Barthelemy

  • KN - Saint Kitts and Nevis

  • LC - Saint Lucia

  • VC - Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

  • WS - Samoa

  • SM - San Marino

  • ST - Sao Tome and Principe

  • SA - Saudi Arabia

  • SN - Senegal

  • RS - Serbia

  • SC - Seychelles

  • SG - Singapore

  • SK - Slovakia

  • SI - Slovenia

  • SB - Solomon Islands

  • ZA - South Africa

  • KR - South Korea

  • ES - Spain

  • LK - Sri Lanka

  • SR - Suriname

  • SZ - Swaziland

  • SE - Sweden

  • CH - Switzerland

  • TW - Taiwan, China

  • TZ - Tanzania

  • TH - Thailand

  • TL - Timor Leste

  • TG - Togo

  • TO - Tonga

  • TT - Trinidad and Tobago

  • TN - Tunisia

  • TR - Turkey

  • TC - Turks and Caicos Islands

  • TV - Tuvalu

  • UA - Ukraine

  • AE - United Arab Emirates

  • GB - United Kingdom

  • US - United States

  • UY - Uruguay

  • VU - Vanuatu

  • VE - Venezuela

  • VN - Vietnam

  • VG - Virgin Islands

  • VI - Virgin Islands

Last updated